Dirty and Jobs

I always wanted to be on dirty jobs like Mike Rowe and go around visiting people and do their job for a day then move on to something better.  I just didn’t want to get so dirty and smelly. Well, it’s one week before Summer Camp starts and I’m doing several jobs….and I’m dirty and smelly, but not from the jobs, just from not bringing enough clothes and not showering.

Here is a glimpse into my week, not to make you think I work so hard, but because with all of the variety I’m doing, at least one of the things is bound to interest you!  Be a camp director and go to work dirty and try what you like:

This week I am a….

Artist – Designing summer T-shirts and coordinating colors…not my strong suit, I spent over an hour in the T-shirt place putting different color combinations up until the lady at the desk said “I think the campers will like whichever you choose.”  Sorry receptionist at The Screen Print Department, you can get back to your job now.

Carpenter- It’s 10:00pm and All-Star and I are trying to screw together a hidden door (you’ll have to come try it) in the Escape Cabin.  I measured once, with a string plus a knuckle, and had to cut twice….and it’s still crooked, but it will get the job done!

Producer-  The scripts are written for the Hidden Treasure Chapel skits, but we are gathering costumes, actors, and making the videos to go along with it.  The big idea is up in my head so giving everyone their accents, stage directions, and proper way to pronounce the cities listed in Micah are the only hiccups.

Graphic Designer- I know that the font doesn’t matter on the 28 page log book, but does “Pirate Plunder” or “Treasure Map” look better?  

Business Operator- It’s ridiculous, one minute I’m planning a treasure hunt then I pretend like I’m wearing shoes and put on deodorant today and say “Direct Dental Staffing how can I help you?”  Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Cook- Wait, nevermind, I eat PB & J then toast w PB for most meals.  It’s my own fault I just get excited!

Architect- Just for the mini golf course….but still, that’s a lot of measuring and math and figuring out stuff.  Who knew there were 3 types of backing and seal for 14 kinds of mini golf carpet.

Logistics Coordinator- Just wrapped up the bike trip where we picked up and dropped off 50 bikers.  We’re so grateful to have the $29,000 towards sending kids to camp, but now we have to get the paperwork and campers here!!! Debi does most of this work so we won’t take her glory on that one, I just peek my eye through the crack of the cubicle and give my two cents.

Blogger- The new website just launched and Debi says “Let’s just each post one every other week.”  Well I don’t know what to write about, I’m not an expert at anything…I just go around and do a bunch of little jobs for a little while…..I’m a Summer Camp Program Director, and that can be a dirty job!

Man, if I can keep this up I might be cut out to be a mom someday…I think this is at least half of the hats they wear!  Mike Rowe, go interview a mom, dude!

–Chief Spitfire

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To plant the Word of God into lives so that each camper will know Christ as their Savior and become unashamed in their faith, living purposefully for the Lord.

Camp and Retreat Center

6475 Wilkins RdHastings MI49058

RV Family Campground

5800 Head Lake RdHastings MI 49058


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