Michawana Bike

16th Annual Michawana Bike

MAY 17,2025


  •  Saturday Morning: 12023 Waller Rd, Charlevoix, MI 49720 (Charlevoix Church of the Nazarene)
      • Slower Biker Check in: 9:00am
      • Fast Biker Check in: 9:30am
  • Friday Night (If you are camping):
    • Fisherman’s Island State Park in Charlevoix

PLEDGES – A minimum of $50 per biker is required to participate in the trip, but we encourage you to see how many people you can talk to and how much money you can raise to send kids to camp! Donors can give online at michawanacamp.org/donate or by sending a check (memo: Bike) to 6475 Wilkins Rd, Hastings, MI 49058. You can collect the donations before or after the race. Fill out a pledge form to keep track and turn it in at registration on the day of the event.

PRIZES – There will be prizes for the biker who raised the most money, as well as prize baskets you can win. The more people who sponsor you, the more tickets you get towards winning a basket!

CAMPING -Petoskey and Charlevoix have several great hotels! Some of us will be camping at Fisherman’s Island State Park in Charlevoix if you want to join!

KIDS – Kids are welcome if accompanied by an adult and helmets are strongly encouraged!

SAG WAGON – The ride is a down-and-back so you can ride as little or much as you like. We will have a sag wagon in case you run into trouble or just need a break, so don’t worry about the distance!

TRAIL: Little Traverse Wheelway – 37 Miles


Let us know if you have any other questions! #sorebunsforJesus


ALL donations go towards sending kids to camp!

Ask your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, enemies (you get the point!) to sponsor you on your ride! Track your pledges using the Pledge Sheet.

Sponsors can give online here and/or by check (Made out to Camp Michawana and mailed to 6475 Wilkins Rd, Hastings MI 49058): Pass out this link for donations: https://www.michawanacamp.org/donate

Collect pledges before and/or after the event. A minimum of $50 in pledges is required.

There are prizes for the most money raised, the highest amount of donors and other fun things.

Pledge Form

Friday Night: Petoskey and Charlevoix have several great hotels! Some of us will be camping at Fisherman’s Island State Park in Charlevoix if you want to join!

Saturday Morning: 12023 Waller Rd, Charlevoix, MI 49720 (Charlevoix Church of the Nazarene)

Email [email protected] or

Call Rochelle at (269) 623-9615 with questions

About Us

To plant the Word of God into lives so that each camper will know Christ as their Savior and become unashamed in their faith, living purposefully for the Lord.

Camp and Retreat Center

6475 Wilkins RdHastings MI49058

RV Family Campground

5800 Head Lake RdHastings MI 49058


Phone: (269) 623-5168Fax: (269) 623-5192 E-Mail Us

Camp Michawana © 2022. All rights reserved.

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