What is SOAPING?

We teach a method of Bible Study called SOAP-ing to help campers understand God’s Word. To SOAP, you simply choose a passage of the Bible and grab a notebook or piece of paper or click below to download a basic worksheet.

How to S.O.A.P.


    – List the passage you read


     – Write down what it says.
(Sometimes we add a silent “I” for interpretation, but for beginners, a simple SOAP is a great way to start!)


     – I will _________


    – Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield
We’ve also used  the acronym ACTS for our prayer time:  Adore, Confess, Thank, Supplication (request).


Campers who complete the 30 Day SOAP challenge can contact camp and one of our staffers will come take them out to ice cream!

We encourage parents and churches to connect with their kids to help them get in good habits.  A first step to mentoring is to have a “Bible Buddy”, or someone that you send your SOAPs back and forth to. We like to set celebration goals like ice cream, going out for an adventure, or a prize!


Click the link below to download out S.O.A.P. Worksheet

About Us

To plant the Word of God into lives so that each camper will know Christ as their Savior and become unashamed in their faith, living purposefully for the Lord.

Camp and Retreat Center

6475 Wilkins RdHastings MI49058

RV Family Campground

5800 Head Lake RdHastings MI 49058


Phone: (269) 623-5168Fax: (269) 623-5192 E-Mail Us

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