Volunteer REQUIREMENTS & Opportunities

Thank you for visiting our volunteer page, check out our projects or specific areas during summer camp where help is needed. Get involved today as a volunteer. If you have questions, please reach out via email: [email protected] or text 989-307-8442

                      2025 Camp Volunteer Projects.

As the new camp year approaches, we have projects and just regular maintenance that needs to be done to make the camp run. We know everyone has special gifts that God has given you. We have created a page that shows where we need help & what projects we have planned for the coming year. Please review the list and if you feel this is one of your strengths/gifts please reach out to us and let us know. Whether it’s for a few hours, day, weekend or all season long we appreciate it. We welcome any time you can serve here at camp and help our mission grow. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at camp.

                       VOLUNTEER PROJECT LIST 2025 (CLICK HERE)
Volunteer Today!!

We have specific areas that need help during summer camp.

Let us know if any of the opportunities interest you.

Summer Camp Volunteer Opportunities (CLICK HERE)

To meet necessary state and licensing requirements, we must ask all of our volunteers to complete a volunteer application (click the link above). If your a first-time volunteer, click the link and apply today & if you’re a returning volunteer please check with our volunteer coordinator to confirm all paperwork has been received. Background checks & references must be completed before coming to camp. Thank you for your patience & understanding as we ensure camp is a safe environment for our kids.

General Volunteer: Landscaping, picking weeds, helping in handcraft, Trading Post or serving in the kitchen. We would love to find a way to get you involved in the ministry at Camp.

Thursday Volunteer Days: Throughout the year, we have a mowing crew, landscaping crew, cleaning crew, carpentry crew and more that come regularly on Thursdays. We serve lunch for our volunteers and appreciate them so much. Let us know ahead of time if you would like to join us on Thursday so we can have projects ready for you.

Camper Care Specialists: Our campers are our number one priority and Camper Care Specialist is a great position if you like providing support and a little extra love to campers. Camper Care Specialists work alongside our counselors for any camper who may need extra love, care, or attention. We’d be looking for someone who has experience working with kids and handling discipline. This position is best for volunteers who are willing/wanting to stay for a full week.

Work Groups:  Do you have church group or family group that loves to do service projects? You could come for the day or plan a work week/end and we’ll set up a work project for you to accomplish together to help improve the facilities and grounds at Camp. Project Examples: tree cutting, exterior painting, building projects, etc.

We are so blessed to have faithful volunteers who serve and support the mission at Camp Michawana. 

About Us

To plant the Word of God into lives so that each camper will know Christ as their Savior and become unashamed in their faith, living purposefully for the Lord.

Camp and Retreat Center

6475 Wilkins RdHastings MI49058

RV Family Campground

5800 Head Lake RdHastings MI 49058


Phone: (269) 623-5168Fax: (269) 623-5192 E-Mail Us

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