Powerful Beginnings: Monday Morning Chapel

Monday morning at camp brought an invigorating start to the week as campers and staff gathered together for a powerful chapel session. With voices raised and hearts open, we celebrated the transformative power of Jesus’ name through song, prayer, and compelling drama. This blog post delves into the profound experiences of this morning, the lessons shared, and the spiritual awakening that echoed through the camp.

A Morning of Worship and Word:

The chapel was filled with the sound of worship as we sang, “Your name is power. Your name is healing. Your name is life!” These words, more than just lyrics, reminded everyone present of the deep truth of our faith—the name of Jesus is a fortress, a place of safety, and the source of our healing and liberation.

Dramatic Presentation: Choices and Consequences:

The highlight of the morning was a poignant skit that featured ‘Mom’ and ‘Jake,’ two characters entangled in a narrative of choices and their ripple effects. ‘Mom’ shares with ‘Jake’ about her past decisions and the consequences that have followed. In a desperate bid to aid his mother, Jake participates in the “More than a Game Show,” hoping to win $100,000 for her treatment.

As the drama unfolds, the story of Achan from the Book of Joshua is woven into the narrative. Achan, who defied God’s command by stealing during the fall of Jericho, faced severe consequences for his actions—his decisions led not only to his demise but also to suffering for his family. This powerful portrayal served as a stark reminder of the Biblical truth that our choices have consequences.

Reflecting on the Story of Achan:

The story of Achan highlights a critical lesson about obedience and the severe impacts of our choices. This biblical account, dramatized during the chapel, offered a tangible connection to the theme of the morning—every decision we make can lead us either closer to or further away from our divine path. By reflecting on Achan’s story, campers were encouraged to consider their actions and the potential effects on their own lives and the lives of others around them.

Prayers for Transformation:

As the skit concluded, the focus shifted to a time of prayer and reflection. Campers and staff were invited to seek the Lord for personal and communal transformation. The chapel became a space for earnest prayers, asking for the powerful life change that comes only through the name of Jesus. It was a moment of vulnerability and hope, as we collectively sought healing, guidance, and the strength to make righteous choices.


Monday morning chapel was not just the start of a new day, but the beginning of a deeper spiritual journey for many at camp. Through worship, drama, and prayer, we were reminded of the power held in the name of Jesus—power to break chains, heal wounds, and change lives. As we move forward into the week, we carry with us the lessons learned and the spiritual renewal experienced, ready to face the challenges and joys that lie ahead.

Let us continue to pray for each other, that we may live lives that reflect the love and strength of our Savior. May the name of Jesus always be our source of power, healing, and life as we navigate the complexities of our choices and their far-reaching consequences.

The Camp Michawana Family

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To plant the Word of God into lives so that each camper will know Christ as their Savior and become unashamed in their faith, living purposefully for the Lord.

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6475 Wilkins RdHastings MI49058

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5800 Head Lake RdHastings MI 49058


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